
Elizabeth's Pregnancy Journal - Prologue

This is my journal of expecting Bear, my son. I started it at my mother's urging as a way to deal with the stress of being on "modified" bedrest with a high risk pregnancy. That was the prescription for having a baby despite hypertension and pre-term labor that started in the 7th week. If you want to know a little bit more about the journalist (me) - go here. And please feel free to write me if you have a comment or question at: Elizabeth. I can't answer any medical questions, but I love to hear from other expecting (or already) parents - especially those who are also facing pregnancy challenges. On a lighter note, let me quote from one of my favorite resources - Vicki Iovine's book "Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy." "As unique and special as your pregnancy is, it can tend to lose its fascinating and compelling aspects to everyone but your mother and you about halfway through. And unfortunately, a pregnant woman’s need for attention is about as deep as the Grand Canyon. I hate to be so blunt, but it is important for you to remember, YOU DID NOT INVENT PREGNANCY, and eventually you will have to resort to PAYING PEOPLE TO REMAIN CAPTIVATED BY YOUR CONDITION." Dear husband and I are cheap. Therefore, I firmly expect that the only person to read this will be my mother.


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