
Finding Out - 1/12/00

The 5-year plan (and there was one) was to buy a home, upgrade the car, travel, and bank some money before embarking on parenthood. Knowing we would want kids, I went to my doctor when we became engaged to get some preconception advice. He told us we couldn't start too early on the whole health kick thing. So I quit smoking (and gained 20 lbs doing it!), started intensive swimming 3 times a week and changed our diet. CorporateDaddy (CD) was given some assignments as well, though of a more personal nature. But 15 months ahead of when we were going to START trying to conceive, I woke one morning from a surreal dream about us being pregnant.I shot into the bathroom and began digging around in the Bermuda Triangle of stuff under the sink, sure there was half of an old pregnancy kit in there from a "near miss" month. CD was taking a shower, warning me that if I used the toilet I should under NO circumstances flush. I was a woman possessed. I found the wrapped stick and did what a person generally does to utilize it.Immediately, there were two pink lines. Two. CD was asking me what I was doing. I thrust the stick into the shower, inches from his big, nearsighted, brown eyes. The ones full of shampoo. CD took the stick from me and held it close up. "What am I looking at?" he asked. "How many lines are there?" I shot back. He squinted for a long minute and handed the stick back to me. "Two." He confirmed. "We're pregnant!" I shouted at him. "Oh my God it's going to be a girl!" he shouted back. (We had recently read that unplanned babies tend to be girls by a marginal percentage.) In my stunned state, I forgot his warning and turned to sit down. Flushing before I did so. CD didn't even notice.


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