
Quit my bitching

The laundry list of thorns in my attitude paw:   1) It is currently cooler outside than it is inside. This is perverse to all natural laws of summer. How the HELL can this be? I am sweltering. Even with an air-conditioner and $4000 worth of new windows as well as several fans including one so powerful it will blow the enamel off your teeth. But I just stuck my face close to a window and ooooohhh, wow. That's nice. Why is all that good stuff OUTSIDE and not in my house?   2) Kidlet has a small rash at the tip of his yaknow. "Mr. WeeWee" as it is known around these parts. Poor guy.   3) Kidlet's rash means that every so often, I have to digimon myself into a creature with 8 arms that can hold his thrashing body still while I wash and then put neosporin his yaknow. While he screams in an octave that shatters glass and makes cats lose their fur.   4) Furthermore, kidlet's rash meant no Pull-up last night. Which meant wet bed this morning.   5) We have a teenaged houseguest.  I have not been grocery shopping this week. We are out of all fluids except water and we're closing in on acceptable snack foods. Bad hostess. I am a very bad hostess.   6) We promised houseguest a day on the town, and we haven't delivered because   7) Husband misunderstood his work schedule   8) and got drunk last night with the folks after work and   8) Didn't get in until 4AM even though   9) He'd told me around 11PM that he'd be home in an hour so   10) We planned the day around thinking that we'd all be rested and able-bodied. He's groaning in bed at 2:30 in the afternoon looking for tea and sympathy (which, as you can see, we need to pick up at the store cuz we are ALL out)   So we got a kid with an owie on Mr. WeeWee, a hungry bored teenaged houseguest who, while as sweet and incredible as a teenager (or most adults, for that matter) can be - doesn't know me from Adam, an exhausted wife, and an incapacitated husband.    It's a recipe for joy and rainbows. Trust me.


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