Holy Crap, I'm a state
Well, I gotta stop googling during teleconferences. Especially on Friday the 13th. Because on top of everything else, I've discovered I'm not only a state, but I'm also in decline...
WallStreet Journal Reporters were offered a new contract in April and responded by picketing the newspaper. The following is an excerpt (emphasis mine) of the full article here.
Ask many Journal reporters what's going on there, and you'll not just get the rundown on a contract that was rejected by 85 percent of the union's membership in January....
'When it came time to deal with the tough business climate of the last couple of years,' says Tom Lauricella, a 'Money and Investing' reporter active in the union, 'people looked around and said, "We're doing our jobs, we're winning Pulitzers, we're not the ones screwing up. Why are we the only ones sacrificing?" '
In short, they were being treated the same way that rank-and-file white-collar corporate America has been treated for the past decade, with the decline of the corporate mommy state.
Hey, that's great! Now you can collect taxes.
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