
Dear Blogger, You're giving me the spins

Dear Blogger, There is something wrong. I do not know if it is just with the Douglas Bowman series of blog templates or if it is all templates that have a right-hand sidebar. What I DO know is that my sidebar has been missing all morning. I want it back. I have given my poor readers the spins trying to restore my sidebar. Here is what I have discovered in my revolving door of templates: my sidebar is not missing if I use that dotty template that makes my eyes hurt. It is also not missing if I use the Digimon template that my 3 year-old thinks is way cool. I, however, am not 3. I do not like Digimon. I do not like Digimon with spots. I do not like spots without Digimon. I like BLUE, sam-I-am. I like blue and I like my blogroll and I like my comfortably built reclining sidebar, complete with all my words and links that I carefully spell-checked and tested and everything. Give IT BACK NOW. Please. Thank you, Corporate Mommy postscript: Well, turns out there may have been some wonky code in one of my posts. Well. How about that. *whistle* Umm, ok. Sorry Blogger. Thanks, smart readers. *cough*


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