
The best laid plans of mice and Elizabeth

Bear and I were hip for a little "Mommy & Me" time today, so after his nap we hung out in my office and had a good ol' time playing with scissors and binder clips. He sang "No more work Mommy no more work Mommy" you know, until my ears bled. I happily made him pancakes and sausages for dinner and set a place for him in the "little room" (really a big hallway off the kitchen) with Superfriends on the boob tube. Was I bucking for Mommy Goddess OR WHAT?! I'm thinking, we're in a groove, we're having a blast. Daddy's working late and we don't mind because la la la it's Mommy & Me time. Then I come out to hang with my boy on the couch and I start asking questions like "Who's that?" and "Do you really think Wonder Woman's superhero outfit is appropriate for that blizzard she's in?" My sweet, freckled preschooler takes me by the hand and leads me back to my office. He said, so solemnly: Mommy, I need a time out. You stay and do some work. And then he left. And closed the door behind him. Well. So much for Mommy & Me. :sniff: Bear?! Is your time-out done yet? I want to watch TV with you! Five more minutes, Mommy! Do your work!


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I know. I look at mine and think ... already 3 years have passed, already he is pulling away :sniff: Pilates sounds fun, is there Baby Pilates?

1:31 AM  

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